Please Explain


What is a quantum computer?
Associate Professor Gavin Brennen,  of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, explains.
What is a lunar eclipse?
Astrophysicist Professor Richard de Grijs explains exactly what happens during a lunar eclipse like the rare spectacle that occured on July 28.
Can you ever beat jet lag?
What is jet lag? Associate Lecturer, Alexandra Bhatti, Department of Health Systems and Populations explains.
What is ephemeral art?
Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences Michael Gillings explains.
What is the easiest language to learn?
Dr Nan Xu Rattanasone, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD) explains.
Will there be space travel in our lifetime?
To mark Star Wars Day - May fourth - we asked mechanical engineering lecturer, Dr Sammy Diasinos, if commercial flights into the galaxy will be taking off any time soon?
Will flying cars become a reality?
Mechanical Engineering Lecturer Dr Sammy Diasinos explains.
How loud does music have to be before you get hearing damage?
Dr Warwick Williams, Senior Research  Engineer from the National Acoustic Laboratories, explains.